
In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed quis ex sit amet elit ultrices hendrerit in eu nisl. Fusce vitae condimentum justo, ac maximus augue. Sed suscipit diam non mattis finibus. Quisque in metus vitae elit tristique ullamcorper at id mi. Suspendisse at orci elit. Donec nec efficitur quam, a elementum risus.



    Our surgical spectrum

    Glaucoma surgery

    Preliminary consultation and diagnosis

    Surgery is rarely necessary for glaucoma—thanks to modern pressure-reducing eye drops, it can be avoided in most cases.

    If the glaucoma cannot be controlled effectively with eye drops, we will go through the different methods for surgical correction of the intraocular pressure with you in a preliminary consultation.


    Depending on the method, the procedure is performed on an out- or inpatient basis. We determine this individually in consultation with the patient.

    The operation leads to a long-lasting reduction in intraocular pressure. Damage that has already occurred due to long-standing glaucoma is unfortunately irreversible: glaucoma damages nerve tissue which cannot regenerate. But by lowering the intraocular pressure surgically, we can prevent the disease from progressing.

    After surgery

    The following day, I remove the dressing and measure the intraocular pressure. After the operation, relatively frequent check-ups and measurements are necessary to achieve the best possible result.