
In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed quis ex sit amet elit ultrices hendrerit in eu nisl. Fusce vitae condimentum justo, ac maximus augue. Sed suscipit diam non mattis finibus. Quisque in metus vitae elit tristique ullamcorper at id mi. Suspendisse at orci elit. Donec nec efficitur quam, a elementum risus.



    Specialist areas


    What is a cataract?

    Cataract is the term used to refer to the clouding of the natural lens.

    What are the symptoms of a cataract?

    A cataract usually develops gradually over a number of years. Surprisingly, you have no complaints at all for a long time—the human body gets used to the change.

    First symptoms may be:

    • frequent glare, especially at night
    • the perception of double contours when reading
    • generally blurred vision
    • difficulty adapting quickly to changing light conditions

    General blurring does not occur until later, then a patient feels as if they are looking through frosted glass.

    What causes cataracts?

    Cataracts are a normal part of the ageing process. However, it can also occur at a younger age—risk factors for this are, for example, short-sightedness or a family history of cataracts. An earlier clouding of the lens also occurs after injury or taking medication over a longer period of time (e.g. cortisone).

    How are cataracts treated?

    Cataracts can only be treated by surgery. It involves a minor operation and leads to a normalisation of visual acuity